Unfortunately, the Google Blogger I am using will not upload into this box using the 'Insert Image' icon and so i must direct you to Flickr at this link to see my most successful landscape black and white infrared image i have taken.
I haven't analysed it yet with regard to the exposure notes I took at the time but I did follow a set procedure. This was to expose four stops more than the light meter suggested for this film-Ilford SFX 200. At iso 200 this is a black and white film, expose for a further 4 stops more with an infrared filter on the front and this is the infrared effect you get.
I am going to Malham Cove in Yorkshire soon and will be taking a film camera capable of taking infrared film. Now I know its a 4 stop exposure difference i just need to bracket by an aperture stop either side and I should continue to get good results. Only time will tell!