Saturday, 16 July 2016

RPS residential nature weekend, Flatford Mill, Dedham

Arrived last night to a stunning location on thrived Stour. The evening spent arriving and sorting kit and room then off to evening meal at 7. Good tea of Spanish pork and rice with an equally home made black currant bake well tart which was lovely. There then was the usual meeting with health and safety, a presentation of some of the nature to be found around the field centre although it took an hour to link the computer to the projector.  This went to 10 pm then off to bed for a 6am start.
25*c in my room so didn't sleep well even with the fan I brought on and the window open. The water that fed the waterwheel is quite clearly heard and that was lovely.
Today we had possibly the worst breakfast I had ever had. The usual cereal , prunes and grapefruit was served followed by whatever was ticked on the list last night. The only things on the list to tick were veg sausage, sausage, hash brown and tomato. Bacon was served which was not in the list and mushroom was not served which was on the list! There were no eggs or beans. There was half a rasher of bacon left by the time the dish got to me. Stopped eating bread a while ago and only sandwiches available for packed lunch sit hats a non starter, got 3 pieces of fruit and a yogurt instead.
So may be going to the Stour estuary today or a Heath depending on wind.