Monday, 27 August 2012

Damien Hurst exhibition at the Tate Modern-uugh!

I went to see this earlier in the week. I was on the South Bank and have been thinking for some time how seeing galleries, art, photography might help me to understand it more, that it might have an impact on my own photography as art. 

Well, it just wont do! After seeing this it is unlikely I will visit another artist's work ever again! What a load of old tripe! Having said that, if you like dead stuff, flies, death, attrition and a bloke with frozen animals to which a chainsaw has been applied, you are in good company!

it seems to me that, these days, because everything has been done to death, death is the only thing left to make something of. Its gross. Humans must have more creativity to them. Someone somewhere must have a different perspective on beauty that doesn't involve death and decay. It isn't beautiful, but it is necessary.

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