Sunday 31 May 2015

Thursday 28th May, 2015, Peasholm Park, Scarborough and the sea front. In Peasholm park we found this little bird, I am not sure what it is. It would be known, in the birding world as a LBJ-a little brown jobby! I am thinking chifchaf or garden warbler. It was lovely to be there. The trees up the ravine are enormous with a fantastic canopy and are cathedral like. In addition to this we spotted a greater spotted woodpecker chick.

The seafront in Scarborough has the only decent pub in Scarborough-the Golden Ball, a Sam Smiths pub. The organic lager is gorgeous and the chocolate stout is exactly what it says on the bottle. Its the only beer that gets 10/10 from me regarding real ale. I bought 4 bottles! We tried the Newcastle Packet, walked in, smelled it, walked out.

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